We are currently implementing support for Intel's RealSense SDK, which works similar to Microsoft Kinect, but is more suitable for PCs and has a ton of cool features like Voice Recognition, Speech Synthesizing, Hand Gestures, Face Detection, and a ton of other Augmented Reality stuff.
In our early build of Towers not much works get as we focused on cleaning up our code base from previous projects and improving the Editor to visually assemble entities (like for Towers, so players can build their own levels). Anyway, Hand Gestures and Voice Recognition works already and is pretty fun. Using Mouse/Touch/GamePad/Keyboard/etc. is of course still an option ^^
Keep in mind these screenshots contain visual bugs and the alpha is not yet done, earliest beta release is February 2015. More updates about the Editor and the Towers game are coming in 2015. Have nice holidays and a happy new year.