I just finished updating the Arena Wars Website, but I had some stupid troubles with the IIS security. If I change any file there, I get .dll could not be accessed error. Everytime when deploying I had to rename the full directory to another one, reset all directory and security settings and send rename it back (and set again all security settings). Seems also to be only an issue with Win2003, on XP I had no problems at all deploying the WebApp (1.1, 2.0, doesn't matter). Really strange .. the MSKB articles also don't help much (because they describe 1 mio other unrelated problems).
As you can see on Graphical Statistics I did some graphics by the WebApp (and for generating them I need the security stuff above). I did take a look at stuff like NPlot, but its much to complicated to do anything with libraries like that. My code is only 100 lines or so for the image generation, its pretty straight forward and much easier to modify IMO (or am I the only one thinking the NPlot stuff is kinda ugly?)
Also check out the final release of TestDriven.NET if you haven't got it yet, the free registration is kinda stupid (you have to enter a lot of stuff), but the Unit Testing Addins for Visual Studio are really good and should be used by any Coder (I use it now for 3 months, even the beta versions were great)!
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