We are back from the CeBIT 2006 and made some cool pictures as always.
You can check them out at www.exdream.com.
Here are some previews:

Welcome to the CeBIT 2006. As soon as you enter you can see the
announcement for the next CeBIT ^^ But it was a big fair on the
world biggest fair ground.

The consumer halls looked a lot like the Games Convention,
especially on the weekeend. There were not really much big
highlights, but a lot of little innovations.

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. On this Games Convention
a lot of bab .. hey, wait a second, aren't we still on the CeBIT?
Anyways, nice chicks, especially from Speed Link and ATI.
Just put them in front of your products so I don't have to see them.
More pictures can be found at www.exdream.com ...