Delta Engine Blog

AI, Robotics, multiplatform game development and Strict programming language

ASP.NET Ajax Template support in Visual Studio Orcas

Yeah, blogging every 5 minutes. I'm really trying to blog more again, let's see how this works out.

Ok, here is there problem: Visual Studio Orcas (March CTP) does support ASP.NET web projects and you can even load and use previously created ASP.NET Ajax projects, but you can't create new projects because the Ajax templates are missing!

The solution: Just point the user projects templates directory to your old VS 2005 project templates directory (or copy the templates over to your user projects template directory) like in the following picture. Make you you have ASP.NET Ajax installed and working in your VS 2005 installation.

Path to set:

    C:\Program files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\ProjectTemplates\Web\CSharp\

Btw: The new path in VS Orcas is:

    C:\Program files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\ProjectTemplates\CSharp\Web\

But just copying the files over there will not do it because VS 9.0 will still use the cached templates, which are not updated automatically when you change something there. Just point to the VS 8 template files, that is much easier:

Now you can create new ASP.NET Ajax projects in Visual Studio Orcas with File -> New -> Web Site:

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