Hey everyone, we finally finished the game yesterday for the Microsoft XNA Party here at the GDC.
For some strange reason my main server in germany went offline today and I finally got it up and running again (thanks to Leif, he had to run over to the office and restart the server in the middle of the night ^^).
Here is a little screenshot of the final game. I will post more later and do a video too.

If you want an real early preview of the version so far, you can download it here (with installer and everything, about 38 MB). We will fix some issues today and make an update this weekend. There are many more features we had implemented (splitscreen, shadowing, quest solving), but we removed all that to just make the version run because there were still some issues. Anyway, enjoy the game so far. Thanks for all the nice comments.
Update: Fast Download from new Server: Dungeon Quest Beta (38 MB) (Day 4 GDC version)
Original Server (slow): Dungeon Quest Beta (38 MB) (Day 4 GDC version) (WARNING: slow download from this website)
Tomorrow there will be an update and all the beta issues will be fixed + more features will come, stay tuned!