Delta Engine Blog

AI, Robotics, multiplatform game development and Strict programming language

Lost Squadron, Day 2: Looking good right now.

I'm back to VS2005, I just can't live with VS2003 after using VS2005 the last couple of months, too much features are missing. Intellisense is just not working, which is very annoying if you don't know anything about the DirectX classes and have to search the stupid managed DirectX help files (takes forever to find anything useful there. Btw: Why is everything "preliminary" there when parts of the docs are already 2-3 years old?)

In VS2005 it's really nice in that respect and has a lot of other useful stuff when writing new code, so I converted the project back to VS2005 (I'm getting an expert in converting stuff from generics back and forth).

The graphics for the controls are still pretty dummy (as you can see in the pic, pretty ugly right now) and the controls are not working yet correctly (oh oh, I'm already behind in schedule). Hopefully tomorrow I can finish loading some 3d objects so I can start with the real gameplay.

Day 2:
Programmed some of the User Interface, texture display and tryed out some effects. I also implemented the game manager, keyboard shortcuts for a lot of stuff (fps, making screenshot, etc.), cursors, the main menu and some animation effects for the menu.
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