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Seattle 2010 - MVP Summit - Day 5

This day we MVPs will go deep into sessions about lots of cool new technology. Everything is under NDA, so we are not allowed to talk about it. Most of my picture will just show people and what happened over the day. There might be information out in the web, but we MVPs are not allowed to comment on that ^^

Seattle 2010 Day 5
First thing of the day is to get some breakfast, which was very good in my hotel.

Seattle 2010 Day 5
I tried to take the last bus at 08:30, which was not such a good idea because the bus was late 20 minutes, which leaded to getting a little late on the first meeting at 09:00. But at least I met another new nice MVP from Korea: Dong-Hoon Kim

Seattle 2010 Day 5
The bus ride to Microsoft Campus was pretty quick once the bus finally arrived.

Seattle 2010 Day 5
We are almost at building 92, where Studio A is just a walking distance away.

Seattle 2010 Day 5
While searching for Building Studio A we went through building 92 and saw the company store right there (must have moved, last time it was somewhere completely different).

Seattle 2010 Day 5
There were lots of guys and girls standing around helping us with directions.

Seattle 2010 Day 5
We finally reached Studio A, pretty colorful posters up here, but finding the actual conference room was not very easy, 5000 room numbers, wtf?

Seattle 2010 Day 5
Lots of XNA MVPs here.

Seattle 2010 Day 5
And even more on the other side.

Seattle 2010 Day 5
And some guys from the XNA team.

Seattle 2010 Day 5
Dong-Hoon is also taking pictures. Funniest thing he told me yet was a joke from Korea: If someone asks you when the shuttle is coming, answer: You are not Protoss, there is no Shuttles for you.

Seattle 2010 Day 5
This is Nick Gravelyn, a former XNA, which now is part of the Borg, erm, Microsoft XNA team :)

Seattle 2010 Day 5
This is was happens to gramophone record here ..

Seattle 2010 Day 5
XNA guys running around, I am too lazy to tag them now ..

Seattle 2010 Day 5
Almost there at the new conference room location.

Seattle 2010 Day 5
A big room with lots of MVPs, big meeting ahead. Sorry, not allowed to disclose any more details .. at least it was interesting stuff.

Seattle 2010 Day 5
And finally walking back to the bus stop, the day is almost over. Time for a XNA party.

Seattle 2010 Day 5
Kathleen explains that we will go to the Big Picture bar and whats going on in general.

Seattle 2010 Day 5
On the bus ride everyone was checking and hacking on their phone. Most people have iPhones, which is kinda funny ..

Seattle 2010 Day 5
We had some extra time, so like last year we visted the Game Workshop board game shop, but I don't think anyone bought anything.

Seattle 2010 Day 5
The problem with the bar this time was that we were way to few people to fill it. Lots of room, but only a few guys in each. Last year this party was at this very same location, but we had some other teams here too and it was more crowded and party-like.

Seattle 2010 Day 5
XNA guys like Nick talking to XNA MVPs Andy and George.

Seattle 2010 Day 5
Everyone was taking pictures.

Seattle 2010 Day 5
After a while the UK and Irish MVPs were suggesting that we go to the Irish pub again because there is not much going on here (even though we had Pizza and free beer, yeah). This is a quick picture from the Big Picture ^^

Seattle 2010 Day 5
Some guys have their hotel right here, so they were quickly dropping of their stuff. I didn't want to go all the way to my hotel and back, so I just waited a bit here.

Seattle 2010 Day 5
Don't really know how this picture happend, but from the time stamp I can see this was taken BEFORE I was even drunk, which makes not much sense. I still think this is a cool photo.

Seattle 2010 Day 5
We stayed way too long in the pub, it was almost 1am when we finally left and I walked back to my hotel. At 7am my roommate got up, so there wasn't a long night sleep. Hopefully I won't be too exhausted the next day.

Comments (2) -

  • Thanks for posting this info. I just want to let you know that I just check out your site and I find it very interesting and informative.

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