Delta Engine Blog

AI, Robotics, multiplatform game development and Strict programming language

SoulCraft 0.7.5 released with new Tutorial and login & sync system

Just in time before the release of Diablo 3, we managed to complete the work on the next update of SoulCraft with version number 0.7.5.

 So whats new?

  • a new tutorial location to learn how SoulCraft and new spells / items work
  • an all-new login & sync system which does most things automatically and does not require new players to enter their email
  • improved balancing
  • lots of other bugfixes & improvements

Please as always see here for a history of what happened so far and what our plans are: and please give us feedback :)

Have fun with the latest release and - of course - also with Diablo 3 :)

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