Microsoft released a Visual Studio 2005 SDK update this week and it contains a lof of updated features:
- Updates to the IronPython sample (very useful for me because of syntax highlighting stuff for my addin)
- Visual Studio Team System integration (yeah sure, like I'm will ever be able to affort VSTS)
- Domain Specific Language (DSL) Tools (sounds interessting)
- Visual Studio Tools for Applications (VSTA) (cool for office stuff, but not important for me)
- Reference samples for C# and C++ Editors, Version control integration, XML designer, and many others! (thats always good)
Why am I telling you this? Well, I'm going to continue my Boo Language plugin for Visual Studio I started earlier this year. I never had time to continue it, but now with the new VS SDK out I will give it another try.
Other news: Steve Pavlina blogs this month about stopping polynapping. Steve was one of the most known polynappers of our time, he was polynapping (sleeping only 2 hours per day) for almost 6 months. I was polynapping in february this year too, but because of many fairs and meetings I wasn't able to keep the schedule and switched to bi-phasic sleeping and after a while I was back to monophasic sleeping (just sleeping once per day). Steve Pavlina had similar reasons and said that he had problems with social events, you can't go to sleep every 4 hours in our society that easy.
I will give polynapping another try this weekend. I'm not expecting it to last, but maybe I will do it I month from time to time, just for the fun of it. It was also interessting to see the reactions from other people, when I tell them about polynapping. | Visual Studio SDK: